About Me
My name is Maallim Ali Maulidi, but everybody calls Mimz and I am the creator of ALPHABODIES.
I believe in pushing the human body to its extreme natural limit. We are all amazing and unique in many ways, and I believe that we can achieve anything we put our minds to whether it is mass muscle building, lean toned define physics, high intensity cardio fat burning, endurance, or simply diet and nutrition for you and your family. I will be able to get the best out of you and help you to achieve your life's goals and achievements, by unlocking the full physical potential of your inner core and genetic capabilities.
Even if it's just a simple push in the right direction, talking in depth, giving expert food supplement & nutrition advice to encourage a more healthier and active way of living. The term Impossible becomes nothing.
I have devised alternative & diverse diet plans, including various t​raining & core strength regimes for men, women, and even children to perfectly match and accommodate all lifestyles to assist you in achieving your ALPHABODY.